This Ramadhan one of our main campaigns was to provide at least 5000 Iftar meals in 5 different countries. We chose Gaza, Yemen, Zimbabwe, Bangladesh & Pakistan as our destinations and we are pleased to provide a few pictures from our campaigns
Iftar 5000
During Ramadhan one of the best things we can do is provide Iftar meals for our brothers and sisters, especially those who may find it difficult to find a decent meal after a long day of fasting
We understand from previous Ramadhan campaigns how popular this form of charity is so this year we aimed to top anything we have previously done and attempted to provide at least 5000 Iftar meals across 5 different countries
With your support and generous donations we were able to achieve our target and more. Your donations helped feed people during Ramadhan in Gaza, Yemen, Zimbabwe, Bangladesh & Pakistan
We were able to provide Iftar meals on various days and at different locations within each country. Please see below just a few pictures from the feedback we have received
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You can email us with any ideas or suggestions on the details at the bottom of this page or just click here to see some of our fundraising campaigns. You can also browse our website to see all our appeals we have on-going and see some of our completed work