How You Can Donate
Find out the different methods of donating available
Peoples Foundation has various methods by which you can make a donation
The easiest way to donate is by setting up a direct debit or standing order through your bank for weekly or monthly donations. By doing so you will be reaping the benefits of Sadaqah Jariyah on a continuous basis knowing your donations are helping the most vulnerable
Below are the details needed to set up your donations or you can fill in a standing order form by printing and filling out the attached file
Account Name: Foundation
Sort Code: 01-09-78
Account Number: 62737449
You can also fill in the form on this page to sign up for online monthly donations
We also accept donations via cash or cheque. For more information please contact us at info@peoplesfoundation.net or speak to a trustee member of the charity
You can also donate via the various forms on our website, whether you want to donate to a specific project or set up a monthly or weekly payment system
We are also looking to utilise online platforms and links will be provided to any campaigns here on our website or via message service. This is a great way to expand our network of donors as you can help fund raise for us and reach out to even more people
​Gift Aid: Click here to read more about Gift Aid and see how you can make your donations go even further
Paypal Giving Fund: You can also donate through our PayPal Giving Fund page here
You can also add People's Foundation as your favourite charity making it easier for you to donate small amounts when using PayPal payment services