People's Foundation are happy to announce the launch of our Ramadan 2023 projects. With your help and support we can make a difference this Ramadan and earn untold rewards in this holiest of months
Ramadan 2023
This Ramadan, help People’s Foundation complete the following projects and be a part of something special. Alone we can do so little, Together we can do so much
Donate on this link as long as the campaign is open
Iftar 5000 Project
​The People's Foundation is happy to announce the re-launch of our Iftar 5000 project! As ever, we aim to distribute 5000+ Iftar meals during Ramadan across 5 countries:
It is narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said "Whoever gives Iftar to one who is fasting, they will have a reward like it without it being decreased in the slightest bit" [Tirmidhi]
For as little as £1 you can contribute towards an Iftar meal to a person who is fasting and earn untold rewards
Housing Project
​With your donations this Ramadan, People’s Foundation wish to construct & repair more homes in Bangladesh & Pakistan
Each home costs around £1,500 and will provide shelter and security to its occupants. This could potentially save the lives of children and families who otherwise would have no place else to find refuge
Eid Gifts
Every Eid we aim to distribute Toys & Gifts to children to bring a smile on their faces during this joyous day
Even the smallest of gifts can bring huge delight to a small child who may otherwise be unable to celebrate this special day with much happiness
For as little as £10, you can contribute towards making this a special day for many children
This campaign is Zakat, Sadaqah & Lillah Applicable
Get Inspired
You can email us with any ideas or suggestions on the details at the bottom of this page or just click here to see some of our fundraising campaigns. You can also browse our website to see all our appeals we have on-going and see some of our completed work