After the floods in Bangladesh in 2022, many people were left without shelter after their homes and properties were destroyed. With your help we started our housing project which aims to repair and rebuild homes for those affected
Home Constructions
Many people have no form of shelter, let alone a place to call home. It is not just individuals but whole families that are affected. This means they are exposed to the elements such as cold weather which could be life threatening. Even the smallest form of shelter can potentially save lives
Home Constructions and Repairs in Bangladesh
As part of our housing project we are constructing and repairing homes affected by the floods, providing families with some form of shelter
You can donate towards our Home Construction campaigns through our website by going to appeals and selecting Home Constructions or donate through the bank with the reference "Home Constructions" or "Housing Projects"
Get Inspired
You can email us with any ideas or suggestions on the details at the bottom of this page or just click here to see some of our fundraising campaigns. You can also browse our website to see all our appeals we have on-going and see some of our completed work