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Bangladesh Floods Emergency Appeal (July 2022)

This year has seen some of the most devastating floods in recent memory in Bangladesh. Millions of people have been affected by the situation and we all need to work together to help ease the hardships for those suffering from the situation

Bangladesh Emergency Appeal

We have been raising funds through various means in order to provide aid to the people affected by the floods. The emergency funds will be used to provide whatever aid is needed and possible to give at the time

This could range from food packs, medicine & shelter to helping re-build houses in the future. All your donations and contributions are greatly appreciated


You can donate towards this appeal as long as it is open through our website or through the bank with the reference "Bangladesh Flood Appeal"

Get Inspired

You can email us with any ideas or suggestions on the details at the bottom of this page or just click here to see some of our fundraising campaigns. You can also browse our website to see all our appeals we have on-going and see some of our completed work

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