A quick update on some of our Medical Aid projects that we have recently implemented. Construction for our Medical Clinic in Bangladesh has started and we continue to provide wheelchairs to those with disabilities
Medical Clinic in Bangladesh
We have begun construction on our Medical Aid Clinic in Bangladesh through which we aim to provide free medical care to those who need it the most. The clinic should be able to provide the following: Flu Jabs, GP Surgery, Child Delivery, Antenatal Care, Midwife Training, Diabetes Checks, General Treatments, Blood Pressure Checks, Small Illness Treatment, Eye Cataract Operations, Small Accident & Emergency & Jabs for Small Babies/Small Children
You can donate towards this project through this link:
Wheelchairs Distribution
We continue to provide wheelchairs to those with disabilities to give them some independence and freedom of movement. Thank you for all your support and generous contributions
You can donate towards our Medical Aid projects through our website or donate through the bank with the reference "Medical Aid"
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You can email us with any ideas or suggestions on the details at the bottom of this page or just click here to see some of our fundraising campaigns. You can also browse our website to see all our appeals we have on-going and see some of our completed work